piggy bank on beach

Affordable ways to have fun on a tight budget

You can still have fun without spending too much money

When expenses are increasing, sticking to a budget can be a little overwhelming. It can easily feel like there’s little or no money left over for any sort of fun after all the bills and essentials have been paid. However, having fun on a budget is definitely possible. It just requires a bit more creativity and planning ahead. Plus, it’s a lot easier to stick to your budget if you allow for a well-deserved break every now and then.

Here are some ideas:

Free events

Keep an eye out for free events in your community. Check out your local council website and see what’s on offer. It could be concerts, art exhibitions, or festivals depending on the season. Many cities and town have regular free events that offer entertainment without a cost.

Host a potluck dinner

Invite friends or family over for a potluck dinner where everyone brings a dish to share. It’s a great way to enjoy good food and company without spending a lot of money.

pot luck dinner

Watch movies the cheap way

Find out what day of the week your local cinema offers a discount day, or special movie deal and go then. Or, stay home and watch free to air streaming on TVNZ+ or ThreeNow. You’ll be surprised at the variety of free tv shows and movies available.

Picnics in the park or at the beach

Pack some sandwiches, snacks, and drinks, and head to a local park or beach for a picnic. Enjoy the outdoors, play cricket, throw a frisbee, or just sit back and relax.

Search for specials

Find mid-week meal deals at your local restaurant or pub. Check out websites like GrabOne. You can find discounts on things like activities, restaurants, accommodation and items from participating stores throughout the country.

happy hour sign

Enter competitions and giveaways

Someone has to win and it could be you!

Spend time outside

Explore nature and head out bike riding or bush walking in a nearby regional park. It’s the perfect way to get in some exercise too. 

Visit your local library

Aside from the books and eBooks you can borrow, libraries often run free events, workshops, talks, exhibitions, as well as activities for the kids in school holidays.

Games night

Invite friends over for a games night. Dust off your board games, deck of cards, or have everyone bring their game of choice. It’s a fun way to spend time together without spending a lot of money.

board game

Explore free online resources

There are lots of free online resources to learn and stretch your knowledge. You can watch educational videos, listen to podcasts, or take free courses on topics that interest you.

With a little creativity and resourcefulness, you can still have plenty of fun without spending a lot of money.

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